Vol. 12 No. 1 (2021): Challenges, Trends and Research: Audiovisual Scripts - Part 1

Although media of serial narrative has existed since the beginning of film and television history, it has ceased to be a minor entertainment product in the 21st century to become one of great prestige, reviewing unusual themes, characters and structural strategies. This cultural phenomenon was reflected in the set of articles in this thematic dossier “Challenges, Trends and Research: Audiovisual Scripts”. The serial production showed to be relevant in research on script, given the significant number of articles on this subject issue of the GEMInIS Journal. The dossier will be dealt in two volumes, the second being published in the next semester. In this first volume, we present ten articles that demonstrate the degree of importance of the Audiovisual Screenplay in the ecosystem in which the current audiovisual narrative is inserted and the demands on the production of knowledge about it.