


tv shows, autofiction, narrative studies


In this article, I present an initial analysis of how I May Destroy You and Better Things bring stories and representations that, permeated by the identities of their creators-scriptwriters-protagonists Michaela Coel and Pamela Adlon, sustain a certain level of narrative autonomy (MENDES, 2008) by refusing representational, textual and structural standards propagated by the American television industry and its hegemonic productions. Continuing my research dedicated to semi-autobiographical series, I discuss how these transgression factors are also linked to the way an ultrapersonalist autofictionalization process is operationalized in the script of such productions, which has been proliferating more and more on TV.


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Author Biography

João Pedro Pinho, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Roteirista. Doutorando no PPGCOM-UFF (linha Mídia, Cultura e Produção de Sentido), por onde também obteve o título de Mestre. Participante do grupo de pesquisa TeleVisões (UFF). Orientação: Mayka Castellano. 


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How to Cite

PINHO, J. P. TELEVISION’S SEMI-AUTOBIOGRAPHIES AND NARRATIVE AUTONOMY: OTHER WAYS OF TELLING AND REPRESENTING IN I MAY DESTROY YOU AND BETTER THINGS. Revista GEMInIS, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 2, p. 101–127, 2021. DOI: 10.53450/2179-1465.RG.2021v12i2p101-127. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.



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