
  • AI narratives: trends in audiovisual production - Part 2
    Vol. 15 No. 1 (2024)

    This edition brings the second part of the dossier "AI Narratives: trends in audiovisual production", which seeks to bring together works that expand understanding of the ethical, aesthetic, productive and cultural implications of the intersection between creativity and AI narratives. Research and practices that are forging new frontiers in communication and arts are discussed, with the potential use of AI images and narratives, in all areas of audiovisual, without distinction.

  • AI narratives: trends in audiovisual production - Part 1
    Vol. 14 No. 3 (2023)

    This edition brings the first part of the dossier "AI Narratives: trends in audiovisual production", which seeks to bring together works that expand understanding of the ethical, aesthetic, productive and cultural implications of the intersection between creativity and AI narratives. Research and practices that are forging new frontiers in communication and arts are discussed, with the potential use of AI images and narratives, in all areas of audiovisual, without distinction.

  • Vol. 14 No. 2 (2023)

    We are pleased to present the newest issue of GEMInIS Magazine, a special edition as it is the first of the periodical as linked to the recently approved Professional Master's Degree in Multiplatform Content Production – PPGCOM/UFSCar, recently approved by CAPES, in the area of Communication and Information . Regarding the content of this edition, works are presented on different topics in the field of communication and audiovisual, covering research on television, films, serial narratives, fan practices on social networks, video games, e-sport and scriptwriting teaching. These are studies that, as a whole, bring exploratory approaches to contemporary communicative phenomena.

  • Vol. 14 No. 1 (2023)

    Another issue of GEMINIS Magazine is online, with articles that discuss themes related to media and platform studies, including television and streaming, digital games industry, policies for XR content production, journalism, election campaigns and content production for the internet. A mosaic of research that seeks to understand issues that cross contemporary communicative practices.

  • Dossier: LINK2022 Journal - The Practice-led Research in Communication Design - Collection Vol. 2
    Vol. 13 No. 3 (2022)

    Kia ora

    With are delighted to present the second volume of the Dossier LINK2022 Practice-led research In Communication Design. This collection offers a broad, rich and diverse panorama of practice-oriented research approaches in contemporary times. In this way, the articles demonstrate the potential of these approaches and stimulate new research that expands the potential of this field of increasing relevance and interest to the academic community. This collection is a result of an international partnership between the LINK Practice-led Research Group from the Auckland University of Technology - AUT, in Aotearoa, New Zealand, the Journal GEMInIS from the Federal University of São Carlos – UFSCar and Anhembi Morumbi University.

    The first part of the second volume addresses the issue of platforms in film festivals, Tik Tok and crunch time practices in video game production. The second part focuses on teaching Design through case studies and teaching practices that address notions such as interdisciplinarity, critical thinking, visuality and materiality.

    This bilingual version reinforces the LINK Practice-led Research group's commitment to promoting the projects and methodologies used in practice-led research, particularly in Global South epistemologies.

    Ngā manaakitanga

  • Dossier: LINK2022 Journal - The Practice-led Research in Communication Design - Collection Vol. 1
    Vol. 13 No. 2 (2022)

    Kia ora
    With are delighted to present the first volume of the Dossier LINK2022 Practice-led research In Communication Design. This collection offers an updated panorama on how practice-led research has been incorporated into Academia to challenge the assumptions about new ways to investigate and communicate new knowledge through artistic practice. This collection is a result of an international partnership between the LINK Practice-led Research Group from the Auckland University of Technology - AUT, in Aotearoa, New Zealand, the Journal GEMInIS from the Federal University of São Carlos – UFSCar and Anhembi Morumbi University.
    This first volume presents a collection of ten original articles selected from the most original presentations submitted to LINK 2021 International Conference in Practice-led research in Art, Communication and Design. The Dossier Editors asked the top presenters to expand their presence in the form of an unpublished full academic article. These manuscripts advance historical, contextual and philosophical approaches to demonstrate the generation of new knowledge that can only be obtained through practice.
    Ngā manaakitanga
    Dossier LINK2022 Editors

  • Audiovisual accessibility: translation and language practices - Part 2
    Vol. 13 No. 1 (2022)

    With great joy we present the continuation of the Dossier “Audiovisual Accessibility: Translation and Language Practices”. The first part was published in 2021 and, now, in 2022 we share the second part which is composed of seven texts that, similarly to the first part, demonstrate the diversity of themes that emerge from theoretical discussions or applied to the audiovisual and media field in interface with other fields of language studies, evidencing the emergence of reflections that consider audiovisual productions in accessible formats for people with disabilities.

  • Audiovisual accessibility: translation and language practices - Part 1
    Vol. 12 No. 3 (2021)

    As one of the fruits of this double movement to expand rights and research on accessible audiovisual translation, we present the dossier “Audiovisual accessibility: translation and language practices”. The dossier represents the expansion of research focused on accessible audiovisual translation in dialogue with strategic fields such as Translation Studies, Interpretation Studies, Audiovisual Studies, Applied Linguistics and Education, which highlights the transversality and contemporaneity of the theme.

  • Desafios, Tendências e Pesquisas: Roteiros Audiovisuais - Parte 2
    Vol. 12 No. 2 (2021)

    Concebido na empolgação das invenções mecanizadas, o cinema, sua linguagem e a proeza de projetar imagens em movimento continuou a se expandir no fluxo do desenfreado avanço tecnológico. Nesse percurso, imagens em movimento (hoje denominado de audiovisual) se desdobraram em diversos formatos, canais de distribuição, modos de captação, sem se desvincularem de sua matriz de linguagem, o próprio cinema. O vultuoso número de trabalhos que recebemos para compor os dois volumes desse dossiê confirma isso, permitindo que ofereçamos a leitura de uma amostra de tantos bons trabalhos nesse vasto universo. Nosso convite é para que você, leitor, se nutra dos conteúdos oferecidos nas próximas páginas e estabeleça o diálogo com os artigos sob um olhar crítico, em direção à produção de novos conhecimentos.

  • Challenges, Trends and Research: Audiovisual Scripts - Part 1
    Vol. 12 No. 1 (2021)

    Although media of serial narrative has existed since the beginning of film and television history, it has ceased to be a minor entertainment product in the 21st century to become one of great prestige, reviewing unusual themes, characters and structural strategies. This cultural phenomenon was reflected in the set of articles in this thematic dossier “Challenges, Trends and Research: Audiovisual Scripts”. The serial production showed to be relevant in research on script, given the significant number of articles on this subject issue of the GEMInIS Journal. The dossier will be dealt in two volumes, the second being published in the next semester. In this first volume, we present ten articles that demonstrate the degree of importance of the Audiovisual Screenplay in the ecosystem in which the current audiovisual narrative is inserted and the demands on the production of knowledge about it.

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