Mobile technologies and literacies in the culture of convergence


  • Ivan Ferrer Maia UEMG


literacies, mobile, Mobile technologies


This study does relations among digital technologies, more specifically the mobile technology, with literacy. The concept of literacy is understood in a more broad way than the traditional, embracing not only the verbal language, but also the complexness of semiotic studies (oral, written, kinesthetic, visual and digital) applied to specific sociocultural contexts. Lines of reasoning are raised that point to the problematic use of technologies and lines that understand new technologies as tools for improvement. The literacies are pointed as an alternative to work on these two lines, being as a tool to raise awareness and promote change in the reality of the individual, with the use of new technologies., writer



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Author Biography

Ivan Ferrer Maia, UEMG

Doutor em Artes/ UNICAMP. Docente e pesquisador da UEMG, campus Campanha-MG.


This study does relations among digital technologies, more specifically the mobile technology, with literacy. The concept of literacy is understood in a more broad way than the traditional, embracing not only the verbal language, but also the complexness of semiotic studies (oral, written, kinesthetic, visual and digital) applied to specific sociocultural contexts. Lines of reasoning are raised that point to the problematic use of technologies and lines that understand new technologies as tools for improvement. The literacies are pointed as an alternative to work on these two lines, being as a tool to raise awareness and promote change in the reality of the individual, with the use of new technologies., writer

literacies; mobility; mobile technology; new technologies; digital technology

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How to Cite

FERRER MAIA, Ivan. Mobile technologies and literacies in the culture of convergence. Revista GEMInIS, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 1, p. 171–193, 2011. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 nov. 2024.

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