Transmedia Era


  • Rodrigo Dias Arnaut ESPM
  • Leandro Hipólito ESPM
  • Fernanda Nogueira ESPM
  • Bruno Rodrigues ESPM
  • Solange Uhieda ESPM
  • Márcia Jordão Bueno ESPM
  • Daniel Zatta Blasczak ESPM
  • Angelo Marzolla ESPM
  • Dimas Dion ESPM
  • Nelson Siena ESPM


#EraTransmedia, transmedia, Storytelling, New Media, Social Media, Audience, Media Platform, Content, Engagement, Result, Multiplatform, TV, Internet, Mobile


The transmedia approach is being showed each time more current and interesting for integrating all the content production concepts in one only methodology, creation process and distribution. Currently, and each time more, people and the audience in general is a potential content creator on the new medias, through a simple digital camera, a cell phone, a personal computer or even the most sophisticated tablets. On this new dynamic, the market (a blend of audience, media, competitors and other agents) has being offering new communication platforms which, given its wide open access, bring together a big loss of control of what is being published and of the originally planned context. The spontaneous media and the audience interpretation may create new paths to the main project’s story. The market’s need on straightening its relationship with the client or audience, passes through a major transformation which, if executed in an impulsive and not prepared way, analyzing the target-audience, the distribution and the message that is being sent, can lose track of opportunities and communication proposals. The main focus of transmedia projects is to use the most complete methodologies and processes, when creating content, technology, marketing and others, using the most adequate media platforms to accomplish a successful project. In very short terms, the transmedia study group, #EraTransmedia, will present their concepts with the goal to offer a multiplatform social engagement for positive results.


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How to Cite

ARNAUT, R. D.; HIPÓLITO, L.; NOGUEIRA, F.; RODRIGUES, B.; UHIEDA, S.; BUENO, M. J.; BLASCZAK, D. Z.; MARZOLLA, A.; DION, D.; SIENA, N. Transmedia Era. Revista GEMInIS, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 2, p. 259–275, 2011. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.