
  • Sebastião Squirra Universidade Metodista de S.Paulo


Neurocomunicação, Tecnologias cognitivas, Cibercomunicação


Communication is a resource intrinsic to the human condition dependent on technologies. In this text we advocate that communication is constituted as a neurological process with genesis and existence in the brain where the messages are captured by the senses and the synaptic process decodes and interprets contents. Our study practices an interdisciplinary investigative model, projecting that the access and diffusion of the communicational goods will overcome the old interfacation of the physical media. This, because vigorous technological miniaturization, extensive automation and robotization of the processes, inserted interaction with man-machine dialogues from mental commands, allowing to overcome the historical dependence of the media platforms.


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How to Cite

SQUIRRA, S. CEREBRAL COMMUNICATIONS WILL OVERCOME TRADITIONAL MEDIA. Revista GEMInIS, [S. l.], v. 7, n. 2, p. 115–135, 2016. Disponível em: https://revistageminis.ufscar.br/index.php/geminis/article/view/271. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.