From temporality to old practices: The (re)construction of the new senses for telejournalism in the convergent environment


  • Rogério Eduardo Rodrigues Bazi USP


convergência, telejornalismo, TV digital, interatividade


Technological advancement and the constant migration of TV programming to the internet have made it possible to realign customs, patterns, styles and ways of producing and watching television journalism. In this work, the objective is to initiate a process of reflection of the senses of some procedures that are still practiced by the telejornalismo said traditional in Brazil in the new conjuncture of the technological convergence. It is based on the concept of media convergence and brings reflections to the understanding of paradigmatic changes required for television journalism, in an attempt to (re)construct the meanings of journalistic production to a new consumer of information.


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Author Biography

Rogério Eduardo Rodrigues Bazi, USP

Doutor pela ECA-USP. Pesquisador e professor
na PUC-CAMPINAS. Diretor do Centro de Linguagem
e Comunicação. Membro do grupo de pesquisa Sociedade Midiatizada: processos, tecnologia e linguagem.


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How to Cite

EDUARDO RODRIGUES BAZI, Rogério. From temporality to old practices: The (re)construction of the new senses for telejournalism in the convergent environment. Revista GEMInIS, [S. l.], v. 6, n. 1, p. 341–351, 2015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 mar. 2025.



Espaço Convergente

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