Textual discursive strategies present in transmedia narratives


  • Renata Moschiar Papadópoli Ramos Universidade de Franca
  • Naiá Sadi Câmara Universidade de Franca


Narrativa Transmídia, Linguística Textual, Intertextualidade


We live in a period of intense transformations brought about by technological advances. In this scenario, new forms of communication arise: new discursive-textual structures, new forms of production, interaction and placement. The process of transmedia narratives is an example from this scenario. They are characterized by narratives expanded by different media platforms in order to generate collaboration, participation and interaction of the interlocutor. Taking into account the breadth and comprehensiveness of transmissive strategies, this article presents an analysis of a transmedia narrative from the point of view of its production, with the objective of identifying and characterizing its discursive-textual strategies based on the concepts of the communication area, especially by means of studies by Henry Jenkins (2009) on transmedia narratives and Textual Linguistics, especially Koch's (2011) studies on textuality factors, with emphasis on the concept of intertextuality, the basis of the transmydial production process. Our investigation is justified since it proposes to carry out a more comprehensive study in relation to the new forms of textual production that appear in the present time, since a great part of the researches are in the scope of analysis of digital texts, that is to say, hypertexts, and a narrative transmídia includes texts for digital media platforms, texts for platforms of printed media, electronics, among others.


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Author Biographies

Renata Moschiar Papadópoli Ramos, Universidade de Franca

Mestre em Linguística pela Universidade de Franca.

Naiá Sadi Câmara, Universidade de Franca

Professora Orientadora da Universidade de Franca, Doutora em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa.


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How to Cite

RAMOS, R. M. P.; CÂMARA, N. S. Textual discursive strategies present in transmedia narratives. Revista GEMInIS, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 3, p. 123–141, 2014. Disponível em: https://revistageminis.ufscar.br/index.php/geminis/article/view/208. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.