Vine and audiovisual dialogue in participatory culture


  • Sheron Neves ESPM-Sul Unisinos PUCRS.


vídeo online, redes sociais, cultura participativa, publicidade, Vine


In today's media environment, the audience has tools not only to consume but to produce and distribute content. In a market where the boundaries between entertainment and publicity become less and less clear, audiovisual content and the communities formed around it become relevant themes of study. Dominated by YouTube in the first decade of the millennium, the online video market has been expanding in terms of mobile technology, and applications for fast video production and consumption, such as Vine, which stands out for its social and collaborative character. The purpose of this paper is to examine Vine's potential in advertising - not that traditionally interruptive and unilateral, but rather an advertising that entertains, engages and invites to participate. For this, the case of the Airbnb Hollywood and Vines campaign will be analyzed.


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Author Biography

Sheron Neves, ESPM-Sul Unisinos PUCRS.

Mestre em História do Cinema e da TV pela Birkbeck,University of London. Pesquisa televisão, convergência, mídiassociais e narrativa transmídia. Leciona na ESPM-Sul, naUnisinos e na PUCRS.


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How to Cite

NEVES, S. Vine and audiovisual dialogue in participatory culture. Revista GEMInIS, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 3, p. 32–46, 2014. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.