[CALL FOR PAPERS - EXTENDED] REVISTA GEMInIS V. X N. x (MAY/AUG. 2022) DOSSIER: LINK2022 Collection: Practice-led Research in Communication and Design


The GEMInIS Journal is open for articles until the 26/04/22, destined to the thematic dossier “LINK2022 Collection: The practice-led research in Communication and Design”. This special edition is the result of an international partnership between the Journal GEMInIS, from the Federal University of São Carlos - UFSCar, Brazil and the LINK Practice-led Research Group, from the Auckland University of Technology - AUT, in Aotearoa New Zealand. This edition has as thematic co-editors: Dr Marcos Mortensen Steagall (AUT); Professor João Massarolo (UFSCar); Professor Sergio Nesteriuk Gallo (Anhembi Morumbi University) and Fiona Grieve (AUT). The issue focuses on three thematic areas:

1) Practice-led Research and PhD;

2) Practice, the studio and Design Education;

3) Communication Design Platforms and Technologies

In recent years there has been a growing interest in the relation between research and Artistic and Design practice, and since the validation of practice-oriented research in universities in the 90s, an increasing number of art and design students can submit a creative work along with a written exegesis for assessment purposes.

The consolidation of MA and PhD programmes that incorporate practice in research are growing, and they forge new institutional dimensions where experimentation, critical thinking and practice are occurring simultaneously. Practice is a crucial area for innovation and is particularly important to be considered and weighted on the changes and transformations academic institutions and curricula are facing globally.

​The purpose of LINK 2021 is to increase awareness about practice-oriented approaches in Art and Design and to stimulate practitioners and educators to share their approaches and methodologies.

Papers must be submitted using the journal's specific template for this edition, formated as an international issue with submissions restricted to English, and must be submitted through the journal's website - http://www.revistageminis.ufscar.br/index.php/geminis/about/submissions

The text must be in English (UK style), in DOC or DOCX format, containing at least 3,000 words and a maximum of 4,000 words, formatted in APA (American Psychological Association (7th edition) style).

The works must be sent in the journal specific template for this edition, due to being an international issue with submissions restricted to British English, and must be submitted through the journal's website:

Preference is given to the publication of works in which at least one of the authors has presented at the LINK 2021 Conference in Practice-led research, with the aim of deepening the discussions about practice as a form o inquiry and emerging new ones.

In addition to accepting works related to the subject of the call, the journal also receives academic articles in a continuous flow that address other subjects related to the area of ​​communication and audiovisual, as well as essays, interviews and book reviews recently published in Brazil and abroad.

About GEMInIS Magazine 

Revista GEMInIS was created in 2010, when the Study Group on Interactive Media in Image and Sound at UFSCar, coordinated by prof. Dr. João Carlos Massarolo, completed his third year of creation. The magazine is online, free and published every four months. It aims to bring together scientific and artistic works that deal with phenomena typical of media convergence and audiovisual production in transmedia multiplatforms. The publication is linked to the Graduate Program in Image and Sound – PPGIS/UFSCar, and is classified as Qualis B2 by Capes, in the area of ​​Communication and Information. More information: www.revistageminis.ufscar.br. 

About the LINK Practice-led Research Group

Formed in 2016, LINK is a group of researchers and educators interested in methodologies related to practice-led research, which develops a series of actions to disseminate this knowledge to the academic community. LINK is based in the Design Communication department at the Auckland University of Technology in Auckland, New Zealand. Among these actions, the organization of international events and exhibitions, the supervision and supervision of master's and doctoral students, the development of curriculum matrices and new programs in Design, the publication of academic articles and the creation of international networks of researchers.